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Baker College Online

Comp 101, Eng 101


Course Description (from the College):

Emphasizes the development of reading and responding to literary texts. Writing includes essays on multiple issues and a college-level documented research assignment.

 Prerequisite(s): ENG 099 or placement exam


Syllabus -- in pdf format


Important Dates
Classes Begin -- Thursday, January 8th
Classes End -- Wednesday, February 18th

see syllabus for a more detailed schedule


Email List -- see Blackboard


Grade Calculator -- javascript online grade calculator

Opening Announcement:


It is my pleasure to welcome you to ENG 101 Composition I!

My name is Betsy McCall, and I will be your instructor for this course.  I hope that by the time we have gotten to the end of the course, we'll have had the opportunity to get to know each other, and just maybe, enjoy the process a little...

You should take some time now to get acquainted with the course and do some initial reconnaissance as to what you will be expected to do each day and each week while we are together.  Below is a checklist of places to explore.

Read syllabus! Read the syllabus! The syllabus contains a number of important things you should know such as how to get a hold of me, the assignments for the course and schedule, and a number of important policies like late policies, participation policies, and more.  Follow the link here, or click on Course Information to your left.  Don't forget to post your acknowledgement of the syllabus and policies this week in the Syllabus Acknowledgement Forum.

say hello! Say 'Hello'! Introduce yourself to me and your classmates in the Introduction Thread in the Discussion Board area.  The Discussion Board link is also to your left.

seminars Check out the Week One Seminar information for what assignments you'll be responsible for turning in this week.  You can find it through the Seminars link on your left.  This is where all the assignments will be listed for each week of the course, and the new assignments will open up every Wednesday afternoon.  This is a fast paced course, and the first submission is usually due in the first couple days, not to mention the reading, so don't delay!

homepage Create your homepage!  Personalize your classroom experience and network with your peers.  This exercise is optional, but it's a great chance to explore Blackboard.  Build your Homepage by clicking on Student Tools on your left.  And when you are done, click on Communication  -> Roster -> View All -> Your Name to see how others will see it.  If you know HTML, you can spice it up! :)

feedback! Get Feedback! Check out the Groups/Feedback link for your Private Feedback Group (PFG).  You should use this to communicate with me about your grades and any other course related matter inside the course.  Your Weekly Feedback will be posted here as well.  If you have a question you don't want posted in the public threads, leave it in your PFG.  If you call me or email me, we can document the communication here for future reference.  I've left everyone a personal welcome note as well.

dictionaryFind course resources!  Even more resources are available to you in the course and you should check them out.  Some of them include External Links for useful websites, and Online Tutoring.  Your grades can be found under Student Tools.  Take the time to find out where everything is now so you won't have to spend so much time looking for it later.

Relax!! Relax!!  Nothing makes writing harder than stressing out!  Find a comfy place to work for the next six weeks, relatively free of distractions, and remind yourself: You Can Do It!  Good luck!

See you in the Discussions!!




Critical Thinking on the Web
Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus

More found under External Links inside the course


(c) 2008, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2008 November 25