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Map of Taera

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The northern and eastern borders of Taera are delineated by the Dragon Mountains.  Geologically, these are two separate mountain ranges running east-west and north-south, but which merge at one end.  The highest peak is Dragon Mount.  The southern border is delineated, usually, by the Cey River.  The Children of Daela control commerce on this river.  The western border is the ocean.  The borders are generally somewhat fluid.  Despite the fact that mere humans fear all-out war with the Children of Daela, border disputes do occur with peoples that surround them: Velar to the south, the Free March to the east, and the Hej to the north (although the Hejans quarrel with the Children of Daela very infrequently).

Some additional points of note:

  • Am Pena, an island trading nation, is off the map to the west.
  • Listra, on the peninsula north of Velar, is a free city, nominally under the control of people loyal to the Ishada, although this is not common knowledge.  It is frequently used as a staging ground.
  • Velar is largely desert, except along the Cey.
  • The Free March is a large geographical area containing many small kingdoms, petty lords, and free cities.  It is far from being a united political unit, but they share certain common cultural elements, and are frequently referred to en masse merely as Marchers.
  • All of the surrounding peoples are human.
  • In the Dragons' Gift, the White River on this map was referred to as the Mem River, this is just the translation into High Daelan of 'white'.

Additional maps will become available either as needed or as I get around to scanning them into the computer.





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copyright 2005, Betsy McCall
questions or comments, contact the webmistress at betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2005 August 23