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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Baker College Online, Fall 2008

You can visit the course pages here.

Percent agreement
  Math 111
PDF Evaluation File
Summary and Reflections: 
The course has changed since the last time I taught it, but the small classes are still a big plus for more.  One goal I have is to not spend so many long days at my on-campus classes so that I can get more grading done during the week, instead of doing everything in one day.  Because the weekly progress reports can be time consuming.  Otherwise, I look forward to doing it again.  I do wish more students would submit the evaluations.  The classes are small, but even so, there is usually a very small return on the evals.

Student Comments:



(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2008 December 7