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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Baker College Online, Spring 2009

You can visit the course pages here.

Percent agreement
Spring 1 Spring 2
Eng 102 Eng 102 Eng 102
Evaluation file Spring 1
A note about the evaluations from Spring 1: In addition to two evals left by my Comp II students, one student from Comp I (from Winter 1), also left comments and appears in this file.  Based on the comments, this is the student who spent three months challenging my grading with the school.  Why the student is still able to submit an eval after so long, I don't know, but basically all the negative comments in this file are from this one student.  The student was upset that they failed the course, in large part, because the student was not able to write a fact-based paper without injecting their own prejudices.
Summary and Reflections: 
 I taught this course for the first time this quarter.  I enjoyed the critical thinking side of the course in particular, but the writing was also interesting.  It was also enjoyable to work with students who had already survived their first online course and were a little more skilled at dissecting assignment instructions and asking pointed questions.


Student Comments:

I want to thank you for your time and effort with me throughout the course.  Honestly, without your detailed revisions, I would never have learned my mistakes in order to better myself.

 Thank you so much for being clear as to what I was really producing and giving me the guidance I needed to keep my essay open-minded and fair.


(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2009 March 26