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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Community College of Allegheny County, Fall 2003

  1. Did the lectures contribute to your learning in the course? 3.57

  2. Is the instructor well-prepared for class?
 3. Appeared knowledgeable about course material? 4.71
 4. Clarified material covered in the course? 4

 5. Showed interest in helping students understand the material?

 6. Returned assignments within a reasonable amount of time?
 7. Concerned about students' progress in the course? 3.79
    8. Provided helpful answers to students' questions? 3.64
   9. Treated students with respect? 4.14
 10. Provided constructive feedback on assignments? 4
    11. Maintained an environment in which students felt comfortable asking questions? 4.29
    12. How was the pace of the course? (3=About right, lower means faster) 2.86
   13. Did you have difficulty understanding the instructor's spoken English?
   14. Did the instructor have difficulty understanding questions that were asked? 1.4
   15. Would you recommend this instructor to other students taking this course? 4.14

1=Not at all/Hardly at all/Much too fast
2=To a small degree/A little too fast
3= To a moderate degree/About right
4=To a considerable degree/A little too slow
5=To a very high degree/Much too slow



This was the first time I'd taught this particular course, in pre-algebra/arithmetic.  I felt pretty confident about it most of the time, but I feel certain that the next time I teach this the evaluations will improve somewhat.  I found the format of teaching four hours straight difficult (the lectures were just once a week on Sunday afternoons).  It tends to encourage me to rush through the material, and I need to work a little harder at slowing down, and taking more time to do review, as I would in classes that were broken up over several classes during the week.

Course page is available here.

(c) 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2004 September 25