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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Community College of Allegheny County, Fall 2004

You can visit the website for the courses here.

Math 080 Math 090
1. Defines new or unfamiliar terms. 4.7 3.2
2. Answers students' questions thoroughly. 4.4 4.2
3. Explains important concepts by using techniques like the chalkboard, over-head screen, demonstration, handouts, or other methods. 4.8 4.2
4. Explains subject matter and assignments in familiar understandable language. 5 3.5
5. Teaches without reading too much from the book or other notes. 4.5 4.2
6. Encourages students' questions and comments during class. 4.6 4.7
7. Responds to student errors constructively. 4.8 4.4
8. Recognizes students for good ideas. 4.2 3.8
9. Presents questions to stimulate discussion. 4.7 3.1
10. Presents challenging ideas and assignments. 4.5 4.7
11. Uses a variety of activities in class. 3.6 2.5
12. Indicates transition from one topic to the next. 4.5 3.7
13. Gives an overview of the material to be covered. 5 3.8
14. Explains how topics taught fit into the class. 4.8 3.4
15. Stays on the major point or points of the lecture topic to be discussed. 4.8 4.5
16. Asks if students understand before proceeding to the next topic. 5 4.5
17. States the objectives of each unit and of the course. 4.8 3.8
18.Tells students what areas will be covered on tests. 5 4.4
19. Tells students what is expected of them on assignments. 4.8 4.1
20. Informs students of test dates or assignment deadlines. 5 4.4
21. Speaks clearly. 5 5
22. Shows respect for students. 5 4.7
23. Available outside of class for individual discussion with students. 4.8 3.5
24. Offers to help students solve academic problems or suggest possible ways students may get necessary assistance. 4.8 4.2
25. Examinations and assignments are returned in a reasonable period of time. 4.8 5
Key: 1=almost never, 5=almost always

Math 080 (Pre-Algebra/Arithmetic Fundamentals): 4.772
Math 090 (Algebra Fundamentals): 4.108

Comments from the surveys (these are all from the 080 class; the 090 class had little to say):

  • The teacher explains things in a clear, easy to understand way; math doesn't come easy for me, but I understand most if not all lessons she teaches.
  • When I was having trouble, the teacher gave me very good advice and it worked.
  • She works the problems step by step on the board which helps me understand.
  • Professor [sic] McCall explains everything and makes sure we understand; no weaknesses.

Wrap-up: There was a second section of Math 090 that I was teaching this semester as well, however, we are only given one week for evaluations, and I completely forgot until I had already dismissed my class for the week.  (It's not an excuse;  it's my own fault, but there it is.)  That's a shame, because I felt that the evaluations in that class would have been far better than the other algebra section I was teaching, whose evaluations are summarized above.  In truth, the character of the two algebra classes turned out to be quite different.  In the evening class (whose evaluations are here), I often struggled to fill up the allotted time, a problem I have experienced in the past; however, I never let my morning class out early. They were more lively and interactive, asking more questions, and this really helped me control my lecturing better.  Asking questions and having the students stare back at me glassy-eyed is disconcerting.  I also had five students in my morning section of algebra ask repeatedly if I would be teaching the follow-up section of algebra because they wanted to keep me as an instructor.  That felt good, but too bad I don't have any evidence for it.

(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2004 September 25