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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Columbus State Community College, Fall 2008

You can visit the course pages here.

Percent agreement
Math 102 Math 104 Math 151
1a. Provides with Course Goals     100%
1b. Course Objectives     100%
1c. Attendance     100%
1d. Assignments     100%
1e. Grading Policies     100%
2. Met classes as scheduled     100%
3. Held office hours as stated     100%
4. Utilized textbook materials     100%
5. Returned materials in a timely manner     100%
6. Used one additional method other than testing.     90%
7. Used examples to clarify course material     100%
8. Made clear presentations     80%
9. Used media to relate content     80%
10. Listened to students questions/comments     100%
11. Responded to student questions/comments     100%
12. Conducted classroom discussions     90%
13. I recommend this instructor to other students     90%
Summary and Reflections: 
This was a pretty crazy semester.  The Math 102 course I taught at a branch campus, and the other two at the main campus.  Nuts!  But the branch campus students were great.  My other algebra class also went pretty smoothly.  I'm experimenting with daily quizzes to replace assigned homework.  The calc class was fun, but a lot of work.  It was the first time I'd taught it (the science/engineering version anyway).  Lot of prep, but I love calculus and would love to teach it again.  No evals were done for the two algebra courses.

Student Comments: (from the Calculus course)
She explains the material well and answers all the students' questions.

I liked having lots of quizzes to assess if I actually understood the material.

Absolutely.  Ms. McCall takes the times to teach things that are hard to understand.

Even though the subject matter was hard, she really went above and beyond to help me understand.



(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2008 December 15