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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Columbus State Community College, Summer 2007

You can visit the course pages here.

Percent agreement
Math 102 Math 104
1a. Provides with Course Goals    
1b. Course Objectives
1c. Attendance
1d. Assignments
1e. Grading Policies
2. Met classes as scheduled
3. Held office hours as stated
4. Utilized textbook materials
5. Returned materials in a timely manner
6. Used one additional method other than testing.
7. Used examples to clarify course material
8. Made clear presentations
9. Used media to relate content
10. Listened to students questions/comments
11. Responded to student questions/comments
12. Conducted classroom discussions
13. I recommend this instructor to other students
Summary and Reflections: 
Summer term was pretty crazy, and I confess to being a bit stressed out.  Many of my students struggled during the summer for one reason for another.  But most of them did not seem to blame me.  Three of my beginning algebra students who didn't manage a passing grade, reregistered for my class again in the fall.  Rather than conduct survey evaluations this term (I forgot to request them, actually), one of the full-time profs did a classroom observation.  The evaluation I received from him was 8 pages long, and I've scanned it and included it here below.

Classroom Observation (Math 102) all links go to images
Letter Page 1
Letter Page 2
Observation Report Page 1
Observation Report Page 2
Observation Report Page 3
Observation Report Page 4
Observation Report Page 5
Observation Report Page 6



(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2007 December 7