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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

DeVry University Online, My Math Lab, Spring 2006

You can visit the course pages here.

(4=excellent, 1=poor) Spring A  
1. The instructor stated the course objectives clearly in the syllabus or in class. 3.67  
2. The instructor stated the course objectives clearly in the syllabus or in class. 3.7  
3. The instructor used course assignments which promoted learning. 3.67  
4. The instructor seemed knowledgeable about the topics covered in class. 3.8  
5. The instructor showed positive regard for students. 3.77  
6. The instructor showed enthusiasm in teaching. 3.7  
7. The instructor was accessible and approachable outside of class (office hours, email, phone). 3.6  
8. The instructor maintained a supportive and appropriate learning atmosphere. 3.53  
9. The instructor made the course interesting and challenging. 3.53  
10. The instructor employed practical and relevant examples when appropriate. 3.53  
11. The instructor used textbook and or lab materials effectively. 3.63  
12. The instructor delivered the course in a clear and structured manner. 3.6  
13. The instructor included valuable supplemental material such as audio-visual aids and lab activities. 3.6  
14. The instructor provided opportunities to develop research skills and use the library. 3.4  
15. The instructor used supplemental resources as appropriately needed, such as web-links, readings, etc. 3.37  
16.  The instructor encouraged active participation of students through discussions, team work, speeches, etc. 3.6  
17. The instructor graded using clear criteria in a consistent and fair manner. 3.63  
18. The instructor provided timely and specific feedback on assignments and tests. 3.6  
19. The instructor regularly communicated about my progress in the course (online gradebook, conferences, progress reports, etc.) 3.53  
20. Overall rating of the instructor. 3.67  
21. Degree of new knowledge and skills acquired in the course. 3.47  
22. Overall course rating. 3.47  
28. Terminal Course Objective #1 3.47  
29. Terminal Course Objective #2 3.47  
30. Terminal Course Objective #3 3.4  
31. Terminal Course Objective #4 3.4  
32. Terminal Course Objective #5 3.4  
33. Terminal Course Objective #6 3.37  
Composite Score 3.56  

Information provided by the University:

To help put the evaluations you received in perspective, I am sharing with you the frequency distribution for the 830 course sections taught during the Spring A March 2006 session.

              COMPOSITE  RATING                      NUMBER OF CLASSES

                        3.76 - 4.00                                                       50  
                        3.50 - 3.75                                                      410
                        3.40 - 3.49                                                      159
                        3.25 - 3.39                                                      119
                        3.00 - 3.24                                                       64          
                        Below 3.00                                                     28

You received a composite rating of 3.56 compared to the Center mean evaluation of 3.49.


Summary and Reflections: I really enjoyed teaching in this format.  This was the first time around, and I made a lot of notes during and after the term for ways to improve the next time around.  The interaction with the students was great, and since most of the course was set up and standardized, and the use of the My Math Lab software, I was left free to teach, rather than simply grade papers or set up online lectures on my own.  I look forward to doing this course again!

Student Comments:

I liked the way Prof. McCall allowed the class to interact in the TDA's but was quick to step in when someone needed extra help

She knew her stuff and explained properly.

Her ability to explain and help students understand the workings of math.

She would really help us if we had problems with what we were learning. She stayed involved to make sure we are able to pass the course.

She was helpful on the phone

 She's patient and shows a great deal of respect for the students.

The instructor gave quick and easy to understand responses to my questions.

The instructor stayed active in the Threaded Disscussion and help everyone once the need was shown for help.

The instructor was not quick to judge but help. She entertained communicational skills with the other members of the class.

She always encourage us to do our best and asked questions if didn t understand.

Th instructor answered any questions promptly.

She was very organized and always maintained a positive learning environment. Excellent instructor. I have taken several courses online and I would have to say, she was by far, the best instructor I have ever had online. Make sure she knows she did an excellent job!

The ability to help every student to locate the information themselves using the homework or textbook.

She was there to talk you thourgh any problems you had questions on

She was very patient and supportive.

She knew what she was doing.

(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2006 June 1