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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2004

This page contains a list of links related to the course I taught at the University of Pittsburgh during the Summer of 2004.  This course was Algebra.  The course pages have been moved here from the server at the University of Pittsburgh where they were originally posted, and the links have been changed, where appropriate, to read documents on this server.  The content of the pages have not been changed.

View the course page here.

* indicates that the university indicated that this score was above the university mean. This information was only available for questions 4-10.

1. Compared to other courses at the same level, the amount of work I did was: (1=much less, 5=much more) 4.1    
2. In this course I have learned: (1=much less, 5=much more) 3.3    
3. Grade I expect: (avg. expected 4=A) 2.6    
4. The instructor presented the course in an organized manner (1=hardly at all, 5=to a very high degree) 4.27*    
5. ...stimulated my thinking. 3.55    
6. ...evaluated my work fairly. 4.18*    
7. ...made good use of examples in clarify concepts. 4.09*    
8. ...maintained a good learning environment. 4.09*    
9. ...was accessible to students. 4.43*    
10. Instructor's overall effectiveness 4.0*    
11. Would you recommend this course to other students? (1=definitely not, 4=definitely yes) 2.6    
12. Would you recommend this instructor to other students? 3.27    
13. Did you experience difficulty in comprehending your lecture instructor's spoken language in class? (1=no difficulty, 4=severe difficulty) 1.1    
14. Did your lecture instructor experience difficulty in comprehending questions that were asked by students in class? (1=no difficulty, 4=severe) 1.4    
15. The lecture instructor's writing on the chalk-board was legible. (1=seldom, 5=always) 5    
16. The lecture instructor's attitude toward the subject was enthusiastic. (1=hardly at all, 5=to a high degree) 4.11    
17. The lecture instructor treated students with respect. (1=much less than most courses, 5=much more than most courses) 3.78    
18. The lecture instructor was available for help during his/her office hours. (1=very seldom, 4=always) 3.75    
19. The lecture instructor arrived for class on time. (1=rarely (<20%), 5=almost always (>90%)) 4.89    
20. Lecture instructor provided the opportunity for questions. (1=very seldom, 4=almost always) 3.75    
21. Helpful answers were given to questions raised in class (1=very seldom, 4=almost always) 3.44    
22. Would you recommend this instructor to a friend taking this course? (1=not at all, 5=definitely) 4.22    

Some remarks from the surveys (copies of the actual surveys are available upon request):

  • Really great teacher!  Connected concepts, explained well; you can clearly follow her train of thought.  Funny.
  • She communicates well with the students, and is very clear in what she is teaching.
  • She writes everything on the chalkboard, and by everything, I mean every little step of each equation.  The notes I took from her lectures were most valuable when doing the homework or studying for exams.
  • good use of example problems; frequently asked students if they have any questions; was easy to approach and talk to if any questions about course material, homework assignments, etc. came up.
  • An enthusiastic drive to teach; well organized.
  • Betsy has a very energetic attitude that was extremely appreciated at 9:00 in the morning. She also made it obvious that she wanted us to do well in her class.
  • Neat handwriting, good at explaining problems and concepts, friendly, willing to meet outside of class for help.
  • Organized, enthusiastic, kind, understanding... and had a good sense of humor.... Don't do anything different and use Professor [sic] McCall's teaching method as a model for all other math courses @ this level.

My personal reflections:

This was the first time teaching an algebra course as the lecturer rather than just a tutor or recitation instructor, and generally it went pretty well.  Many of the students found it challenging because of the condensed nature of the course.  There was also the issue of using an online Math website, through MyMathLab, which many of the students despised, but which the department required me to use.  This program worked well for a course I taught at CCAC, but it proved to be something which these students complained about a lot.



(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2005 March 31