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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

University of Pittsburgh, Fall 2002

This was the first term I taught recitations at Pitt; I TAed for Business Calculus recitations. The evaluations are given below.  As the recitation instructor, I have no additional supporting materials.

3 recitations for Business Calculus (MATH 0120)


1. well-prepared for recitations 4.36
2. knowledgeable about course material 4.45
3. clarified material covered in lecture 4.09
4. showed interest in students' understanding 4.45
5. returned assignments on time 4.64
6. helpful answers to questions 4.36
7. treated students with respect 4.64
8. constructive feedback on assignments 4.00
9. maintain environment where students felt comfortable asking questions 4.45

What's kinda ironic about this survey is that I didn't grade assignments, and that is where the lowest score in each column came.  These scores are out of 5 possible points.  These are the ratings of students.  The personal feedback was extremely kind.

Copies of student comments are available upon request.





(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2005 March 31