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Writing Portfolio

Academic Papers


This page contains links to published academic articles I've written.


  1. UCLA Indo-European Paper on Metathesis, et al. in Proto-Greek -- this link takes you to the paper in Word format.  You may find some of the fonts are missing.  In .pdf format.  Full citation:
  2. McCall, Betsy 2000. "Metathesis, Deletion, Dissimilation and Consonant Ordering in Proto-Greek"  Presented at the 11th UCLA Indo-European Conference, June 4-5, 1999.  Appears in Proceedings of the 11th UCLA Indo-European Conference, Journal of Indo-European Studies.

    Additional information can be found:

    Monograph 35: Eleventh UCLA IE Conference

    UCLA PIES: Archives: IE Conferences: IEC11 Program


  3. Decision-Theoretic Model of Optimality Theory -- in .pdf format.  Full citation:

McCall, Betsy 2003.  “Decision Theoretic Models of Optimality”.  Proceedings of the Workshop of Variation within Optimality Theory, April 26-27, 2003.

There was almost a third item on this list: Manner Alterations in Ancient Greek, however, I couldn't afford to go the conference in Germany and had to withdraw.

You will also find in the margin, my "exit project", i.e. thesis, for my masters in Mathematics program.  The file is missing some equations as I copied it from the old site, but I will try to dig out the original.  I've also included here a write-up I did for what would have been my dissertation work had I remained in linguistics.

In addition to these titles:

General Editor, Indiana University Working Papers in Linguistics 1998-1999.  The first issue in the series can be found here.  While I am mentioned on this page, I am listed inside the cover along with Andrea Word as General Editors.  The two of us were instrumental in getting the Working Papers series started, and in the publication of the first two issues.  We made it possible to establish to IUWPL as a joint effort of IULC Publications and the Department of Linguistics.  It was also my design that won the contest for the final cover design.  I left Indiana University in 1999.



For other material which has not yet been published, you should check out my personal writing pages.  Some additional, unpublished academic papers can be found on my Lifelong Learning pages.




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Manner Alterations in Ancient Greek


Japanese Mimetics


Consonant Clusters Across Languages

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Last updated 2009 December 5