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The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.
-- Pierre Abelard








Betsy McCall

Welcome to my homepage on the Pitt server!

I am a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, in the department of Mathematics.  2003-04 will be my second year in the doctoral program here.  I turned 31 in February of 2003.  Pitt is hopefully the last stop on my trek to get my Ph.D.  My major interest is in mathematical linguistics. (I know... the "attractive picture is from my driver's license, but I'm camera shy.)

If your interested in my research, the courses I'm teaching or my personal interests, please check out the links below.

Research interests:
Main research page -- current topics I'm studying, papers I've had published, useful links related to my research interests

Personal interests:
Personal page -- my non academic writing, including my novel and some poetry; some current interest pages; links to my personal webpages on other servers, you'll find here more information than you probably ever wanted to know, so proceed with caution

My current courses -- the courses I'm taking (well, maybe), but certainly the courses I'm teaching this semester with resources for students such as syllabus, instructor's websites, on- and off-campus resources.


Contact Me page -- please don't stalk me though (been there, done that!)


Last modified on:  2003.05.11
Copyright 2003 by Betsy McCall