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The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.
-- Pierre Abelard



Betsy McCall

Okay, so I'm sure that you've seen those webpages that some profs put up, that maybe they shouldn't have.  You know, the ones with pictures of them in Speedos that maybe you really didn't want to see.  I'm really trying hard not to do that.  No pictures of me in a swimsuit.

So what is here?  Well, I'm going to include links to my writing.  I've written a novel that's been published.  And I have some poetry.  The novel is a fantasy novel.  The poetry is very dark and personal.  The novel is safe if you don't want to know too much.  The poetry probably isn't.  I've also included some photography. My favourite pics are of sunset over Death Valley.  I'll try to organize the pages, but they will likely take some time to load if you don't have a nice Ethernet connection.  I've also put up some pages for some of my current non-academic interests.  I've really gotten interested in wine, so there is a page with some reviews, and so forth.  The last page linked here is links to some of my off-site pages.  Once again, some of these are pretty white bread, and some of them my students might actually not want to read.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

Novel -- this is not a link to the actual novel.  You gotta buy it, but you can read the sample.
Poetry -- I've put together a couple pages here of some of my better ones.  A couple have been published, but I most write for me.
I have a few other projects that I'm working on, as well.  When they're done, you'll be able to find them here.

So, these are all pictures I've taken.  Most of the ones here are "nature" photos.  Some really great sunset shots over Death Valley, and a handful collected from over the years.  I often forget to take the camera with me, but if I take anymore really nice ones, I'll add them.

These are some things I get involved in these days when I can.  I'm trying to learn to be a wine judge, so I'll put up some of my reviews here, along with some links to my favourite wineries.  I also have some astronomy things here, and Japanese stuff.  I'll try to keep it "safe".

Off-Site Homepages:
Well, I've got several up right now, that I've been building over the years.  Many need redesigned/upgraded (working on it).  I've just been adding to them over the years.  Some of the information here is personal, so don't say I didn't warn you.

Conservative people are undoubtedly right in their distrust and hatred of science, for the scientific spirit is the very spirit of innovation and adventure--the most reckless kind of adventure into the unknown. --George Sarton (d. 1955), "History of Science"

Last modified on:  2003.05.08
Copyright 2003 by Betsy McCall