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The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.
-- Pierre Abelard










Betsy McCall



So, what goes here is course information... not courses that I'm taking, but courses that I'm involved in teaching.

Welcome to the Spring 2004.  Go to the current courses page for the recitations I'm teaching right now.

If you are just beginning taking a course that I'm teaching or doing a recitation for, please feel free to see my past courses page to see what kind of teaching reviews I've gotten.

I'm also gonna put up a list of links that are useful for math students here at Pitt on my links page, stuff that is both on and off campus.  Links pages from the current courses page may be more specific.

There is a form page for students and visitors to submit questions and comments.

These pages here are for my students, so if you are one of them and can think of something else you'd like to see here, please let me know, via the form or email (see the contact page).

I can also point out at this point that I am available for tutoring in mathematics.  Check out the tutoring page and the past courses page for information on my qualifications and ratings.

Lastly, I've built a grade estimator to be included on the site.  It is designed so that my students can easily check their progress in the course by entering their grades for various assignments.  Others may use it, as well, but they will have to adjust the weights for each grade as appropriate for their course.  For students in my courses this term, this works best if you use the grade calculator linked from the pages for your course, found through the current courses page as it will be set up for your specific grade distribution.


Mathematicians who are only mathematicians have exact minds, provided all things are explained to them by means of definitions and axioms; otherwise they are inaccurate and insufferable, for they are right only when the principles are quite clear. --Pascal, "Pensées," 1670

Last modified on:  2003.08.27
Copyright 2003 by Betsy McCall