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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Baker College Online, Summer 2008

You can visit the course pages here.

Percent agreement
  Math 111
Peer evaluation (doc)
Student evaluations (pdf)
Summary and Reflections: 

I enjoyed teaching this course.  It was my first one at Baker using Blackboard for everything.  The course had just been updated, so it was really a work in progress in a lot of places.  But the class was small, and so even though the course was really short, it was possible to get to know all the students.  I admit, given my experience teaching online, I chafed a bit under the supervision of my mentor; I'm used to being self-sufficient and working on my own, and reporting everything I did made me feel a bit hamstrung. I liked it and I look forward to teaching more at Baker.  I hope I can get more

Student Comments:
see student evals. There were others I'd wanted to obtain from the course, including weekly faculty evals, but the course was removed from the system before I retrieved them.  I'll have to be more on my toes next time!



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To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2007 December 7