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The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.
-- Pierre Abelard



Betsy McCall


Tears Like Rain

Outside the rain is falling,
Beating on the pavement
Like a stampede of frightened rats,
And the shock waves from the lightning
Shakes the trees with the wind
And the drumbeats inside my ears.
At my feet, a kitten plays,
More absorbed with his own twitching tail
Than the periodic rumbling of the sky.
I sit here in my darkness,
Watching the innocence of the kitten
And listening to the anger of the storm,
Seeing myself in both of them.
But it isn't enough for you, is it?
My tears fall like the rain on these nights,
Thinking of you and wanting
What you will never let us be.
And so I keep clinging to come fragile dream,
Wanting to take whatever fortune tosses me
And knowing that anything save everything
Will only bring the tears like tonight.
Only you can stop my weeping
Because I can do nothing more
Than wait and weep and hope
In the silence of the rain.





Last modified on:  2003.05.08
Copyright 2003 by Betsy McCall