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Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering

Coding Tutorials and Examples



I look a computational physics course once, that I ended up not finishing (burn out), that used Python.  More recently, I took another course on data analysis with Python.  My interests in Python are possibly somewhat obscure, but I'll include here some things that interested me in particular, things I wanted to share, and maybe I'll add more later.  The initial stuff will probably have a strong relationship to the math courses I teach.  The data course I took was something of a baptism by fire, so I'm still processing it. Since then, I took two more courses that used Python, so feeling a bit better about it.  Will keeping adding resources as I go. You may find more information on Python for Machine Learning on my Machine Learning page, and for Spark/Hadoop on that corresponding page. I've added more Python-related goals to my to-do list, so more things coming.

I taught a data science course that used Python. I'm adding links to those code examples used in class as well. I'll link to the main course page so that you can also use the data.


Drawing Graphs of Functions

Histograms and Boxplots

Monte Carlo Simulation to Estimate Pi (pdf) Excel

Bubble Code (SVG/Python)

Machine Learning


Natural Language Processing

Databases and the Data Information Lifecycle course

Importing/Exporting data from Excel, basic Pandas
More data imports, groupby, statistical graphs intro
Random variables, crosstabs, dictionaries
More plotting, dictionary, json
Working with sqlite3/pandasql
More sqlite3, if/else, for, inputs
Concat/merge, datetimes, adding errors to data for privacy
Missing data, imputing values
One-hot-encoding, scaling, test/train, regression
Regular expressions, time series
Cross-validation, simulations, hypothesis testing, word clouds
Spring 2022 page
See the main page for data sets used. These are just code examples without much in the way of explanation since these were done live in class. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to post the videos I saved from the lectures.




Matthew Peter Nagowski: Artist Lecture and Processing Code Demonstration

A function to add a color scale to our SVG US counties map (map)

Jennifer Widom database lectures

Neural Networks

Ch 1 What *is* a neural network?

Ch 2 Gradient Descent

Ch 3 Back Propagation

Convolutional Network Layers

Draw Confetti (Linux)

Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams

Create Your MATPLOTLIB Style Sheet Iin 10 Minutes




Coding Tutorials and Examples








Python Tutorial Playlist




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Last updated 2019 September 17