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Math Notes -- Worksheets

I wrote these worksheets under contract for the company (whose logo appears on the worksheets).  The contract was through a third party, who never paid me for the work.  So, since I was never paid, the copyright retains to myself.  Therefore, I'm posting them here so my work doesn't go completely to waste.  I've sorted them somewhat by topic.  Nearly all of them were attached to a business calculus text, but I've separated out the review topics, general topics, specifically business applications, and more advanced statistical and differential equations topics.  A few of these, I wrote for my own students in other contexts.  You'll see a difference in style.

Algebra & Pre-calculus

Applications of Cost and Revenue Functions
Applications of Linear Equations
Applications of Logarithms
Applications of Quadratic Functions
Applications of Trigonometric Functions
Cartesian Coordinates
Characteristics of Sine and Cosine Graphs
Domain and Range
Find and Understand Slope
Find Linear Equations
Interpretations of Linear Functions
Interval Notation and Inequalities
Piecewise Functions and Graphs of Basic Functions
Quadratic Functions and the Parabola
Sine and Cosine Values with Reference Angles and a Calculator
Solve Linear Equations
Transformations of Graphs
Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
Sets of Numbers

Calculus -- single and multivariable

Applications of Area Between Curves
Applications of Trigonometric Derivatives
Average Value of a Function
Derivatives of Exponential Functions with Base e
Derivatives with Trigonometric Functions
Differentials and Finding Error
Finding the Area of a Region Bounded by Two Curves
Finding the Area of Compound Regions
Integration Tables
Integration with Trigonometric Functions
Introduction to Multivariable Functions
Left and Right Riemann Sums
Midpoint and Trapezoidal Rule
Newton's Method
Properties of the Definite Integral
Reduction Formulas
Sketch the Curve of a Function
The Product and Quotient Rules
The Product and Quotient Rules with Exponential Functions
Total Differential
Using L'Hopital's Rule
Using the Chain Rule
Volume Using the Disk Method

Business Calculus

Consumer and Producer Surplus
Income Streams
Marginal Average Cost and Revenue
Marginal Cost and Revenue
Optimization of Lot Size and Quantity
Relative Rate of Change and Elasticity of Demand

Statistics and Probability

Exponential Distribution
Exponential Regression
Linear Regressions and Predictions
Logarithmic Regression
Mean and Median of a Probability Density Function
Normal Distribution
Polynomial Regression
Probability Density Functions
Quadratic Regression
Uniform Distribution

The Hypothesis Tests worksheets here are deliberately not labeled for type, in order to teach students how to recognize the kind they need to do.
1    2    3    4    5     6     7     8     9     10     11    12     13      14     15

Differential Equations

Applications of First-order Linear Differential Equations
Differential Equations for Growth and Decay
Euler's Method
Finding Differential Equation Solutions Using Separation of Variables
Laplace Transforms
Undetermined Coefficients

(c) 2019, 2005, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com