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Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Cleveland State University

I received my undergraduate degree from Cleveland State in Classical and Medieval Studies in 1997.  I returned in 2000 to work on a masters of science in Mathematics, which I completed in 2002. 

During that time, I worked as a graduate assistant, staffing the department's math tutoring lab.  Most of the student traffic in the lab was for the Business Math sequences involving such subjects as Algebra, Business Calculus, Matrices and Linear Programming, Financial Math, and Probability.  The lab was also open to math students in general, so occasionally there were also Math for Education Majors and Statistics students seeking assistance.  There are no evaluations for this period, as this wasn't done.  For information on the tutoring lab or my own performance in this position, please feel free to contact Jason Stone, the Math Testing/Tutoring Center manager and my supervisor at 216-687-4701.  Or contact the Mathematics Department at 216-523-7162.

In addition to my tutoring experience in mathematics, I also took advantage of several small opportunities made available to me in the Classical and Medieval Studies program.  I gave three guest lectures for history classes on the subject of History of Science, as it pertained to the time period covered by those classes (Hellenistic Period and Medieval Periods).  You can see notes for the lectures here.  I also had an opportunity to fill in for three weeks in a third semester course in the Ancient Greek language.  For information on the Greek course, please contact Dr. Michael Baumer at 216-687-3902.

I was hired as an adjunct faculty in January 2007.  I taught there for two semesters before the commute from Columbus became too much to continue.


(c) 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
last updated: 2004 September 25