Betsy McCall
Note the homework changes made
Evaluations: Thursday,
July 1st
Summer 2004. Academic Year 2003-04.
12-week session
This term I'm the instructor for the 12-week session of
algebra. Here is the data for the class and the two recitations:
CR HRS: 03.0
07225 T H 09:00A 10:25A
LG /SN McCall, Betsy
05/10/04 -08/02/04
07233 T H 08:00A 08:50A
Ross, Nathan F
05/10/04 - 08/02/04
17029 T H 08:00A 08:50A
Everest, Tom
05/10/04 - 08/02/04
Notice the room change on the lecture.
Office Hours:
These will be held in the new Math Assistance Center
on the 3rd floor of Thackeray. These hours begin May 10th. They
will be Wednesday 3-5 p.m. And by appointment. The hours of the
MAC will be 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. weekdays throughout the summer (May
10th-August 9th). Anyone there will be able to assist you with this
class. If you are looking for a particular TA, those listings can be
found here: Summer 1, Summer 2. (The TAs
change somewhat, but the overall hours remain the same.)
Office Location:
Thackeray 515
Mailbox Location:
Thackeray 301
Contact Me:
Go to my contact me page
or use the form.
Algebra and Trigonometry and Precalculus, Beecher, Penna, Bittinger.
General Course Website:
Course Compass or
My Math Lab
Course number:
Homework Assignments: (to hand in)
#1: 1.1 #56; 1.2 #32; 1.3 #26 -- due Thursday May
#2: 1.4 #36; 1.5 #58 -- due Thursday May 27th
#3: 1.6 #44; 2.1 #68; 2.2 #34 -- due Thursday June 3rd
#4: 2.3 #62; 2.4 #26 -- due Thursday June 10th
#5: 2.5 #70; 2.5 #40; 3.1 #26 -- due Thursday June 17th
#6: 3.2 #34; 3.3 #52 -- due Thursday June 24th
#7: 3.4 #40; 3.5 #50; 3.6 #32 -- due Thursday July 1st
#8: 4.1 #84; 4.2 #36 -- due Thursday July 8th
#9: 4.3 #72; 4.4 #78; 4.5 #38 -- due Thursday July 22nd
#10: 4.6 #4; 8.1 -- due Thursday July 22nd
#11: #34; 8.2 #22; 8.3 #32; 8.4 #22 -- due Thursday July 29
#12: 8.5 #8; 8.7 #58 -- due Thursday July 29 (extra credit)
Attendance Policy:
Assignments will be due online or in recitation as assigned.
Attendance is crucial to successfully getting through this course.
There is no formal grade for attendance.
Make-up/Late Policy:
Assignments that are due on a particular date must be handed in on that
day or before. This goes for online assignments as well as in-class
assignments. Late assignments will not be accepted. Extensions
will be granted only with prior notice and under extraordinary
circumstances. Quizzes and exams will not be made up except for
medical reasons.
Extra Help:
Sometimes students need extra help getting through math. There are
several options available: 1) Students can pay for a tutor for as many
hours as is needed, but it does cost money. It's not ethical for me to
be a paid tutor to my own students. I can recommend a couple other
grad students that would be willing, and are capable instructors, but expect
to be charged $15-30/hr. Or contact the Math Department office. 2) Students can try to get help with their
questions online. The Course Compass site has online help. There are
also many good sites out there, and a quick
Google search will call up many more than you need. I have listed a
small number on my links
page, many of which have their own link lists. There is a great deal
of information on these sites. Students might benefit from having a
concept explained in yet another way, and additional practice problems.
These sites may be more time accessible, and it avoids having to admit to
someone that you don't understand--for those who seek anonymity, that can be
a plus. 3) You can stop by my office hours, or the recitation
leaders' office hours.
That's what they are here for. There are are several math help desks
and math assistance centers run by the department and agencies throughout
the university that you can get help from. Some of these are listed on
the syllabus. The office hours are here for us to answer questions.
We are all available via email,
as well. If you know you aren't doing a problem correctly, or can't
get the answer, ask us before you turn the problems in. A complete list
of MAC hours are given above with my office hours.
In addition, I will be adding a means of students to be able
to get a hold of other students in the course by putting up a webpage for a
class email
list. It will only be for students in my classes, and it will be removed
at the end of the term. Participation in the list is voluntary, but
communicating with other students does help the learning process and it
helps students feel more confident about math when they can teach someone
else how to do a problem, even if they can't do them all the first time
There is a grade
estimator that may also help you in studying... either to relieve stress
or else tell you just how much you need to study!