

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here




Anne Arundel Community College

Fundamental Concepts of Math III, MAT 233


Course Description (from the College):

Primarily for students in the elementary education program.  Topics include data collection, sampling, interpreting data, displaying data, correlation and regression, distributions, confidence intervals, probability, and the use of technology.  Principles and standards of national mathematics organizations are applied to probability and statistics.
Prerequisite:  MAT 221 or MAT 222 or equivalent.  Note:  Credit is not given for both MAT 223 and MAT 135.  Lecture: 4 hours


Syllabus -- in Word format

Important Dates
Exam I/Data -- Monday, February 27th key/review/flash cards
Exam II/Data-- Monday, April 3th key/review/flash cards
Final Exam/Data -- Monday, May 10th 12:30-2:30 key/ review/formulas/flash cards

see the syllabus for a more detailed calendar

Email List

via Canvas


Math Office: Mathematics 231J
My AACC voicemail: (410) 777-1264
My AACC email: bjmccall@aacc.edu
Office Hours: M 2-5, TR 4-5:30


Notes & Video Links

Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
Statistical Reasoning
Probability and Statistics
Statistics 2
Statistical Reasoning II

Discussion Questions:

1.23 1.25
1.30 2.01
2.13 2.15
3.06 3.08
3.20 3.22
3.27 3.29
4.10 4.12
4.24 4.26


Quiz #1 -- key
Quiz #2 -- key
Quiz #3 -- key
Quiz #4 -- key
Quiz #5 -- key
Quiz #6 -- key
Quiz #7 -- key
Quiz #8 -- key

Written Homeworks

Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7
Homework #8
Homework #9
Homework #10
Homework #11
Homework #12
Homework #13
Homework #14


Data Visualization Project -- Data
Data Analysis Project (Education Data)
Regression Project (Car Insurance)
Regression Analysis Project -- Data
Central Limit Theorem Simulation with Means -- Data
Confidence Interval Scavenger Hunt
Excel Lab #4 -- Data

Math Modeling Project/Lab

Education Article Project Directions


Supplemental Activities

Pie Charts & Stem-and-Leaf Plots by Hand
Calculating Standard Deviations by Hand -- key
Permutations and Combinations Activity -- key
Probability Activity -- key
Expected Values -- key
Problem Solving Activity -- key
Linear Regression Problems -- key
Confidence Intervals on Means -- key
Counting Sample Spaces with Trees -- key
Design Your Own Experiment
Empirical Rule -- key
Hypothesis Tests II -- key
Legal Analogy
Statistical Graphs  -- key
CLT Proportions Version 1/Version 2 -- key
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #1
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #2
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #3
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #4
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #5
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #6
Discrete Distributions of Two Dice
Sampling Methods Activity
Data Classification Activity
Numerical Summaries Activity
Comparing Data Activity -- key
Color Project
Counting Practice -- key
Probability Distributions Activity -- key
Expected Values Design -- key
Binomial Simulation Activity
Normal Distribution Practice -- key
Confidence Interval Practice -- key

Calculator Guides:

Statistical Graphs in the TI-83/84
TI 84 Entering Data
TI 84 Descriptive Statistics
Normal Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Hypothesis Testing (1 Sample)



PDF Graph Paper
Bad Graphs (Convention Speeches)
Visualizing Data Badly: 8 Examples
Correlation is not Causation: orginal article / handout
Presidents by State
How much people lie on surveys
On the Hazards of Significance Testing
Exploring Correlation and Regression
Central Limit Theorem: with Bunnies and Dragons
How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?
Free Online Math Courses
Medical Testing and Vitamin C
How to Tell if Correlation Implies Causation
Reliability and Validity
In wake of uproar over Facebook’s emotional manipulation study, bioethics scholars say new rules are 'moral imperative'
Combinations and Permutations Calculator
Four Assumptions of Multiple Regression that Researchers Should Always Test
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: A Significant Improvement
How the Nocebo Effect can Trick us into Actually Dying
Desmos Lessons for AP Statistics
Stem and Leaf Plot Generator
PhET Simulations

(Math) Education Links

Parents' Math Anxiety Can Undermine Math Achievement
How can we Remedy the Gender Imbalance in Math & Stats?
Which Study Strategies Make the Grade?
What is Algebra?
There is one Key Difference Between Those who Excel at Math and Those who Don't
9 Strategies for Motivating Students in Mathematics
How I Faced My Fears and Learned to be Good at Math
A Strategy that Narrows Academic Achievement gap by 63%
Don't Let Economists and Politicians Hack your Math: Of course kids need to learn algebra
Our Education System Conflicts with the Science of Learning
In Defense of Math
Common Core Math is not Fuzzy
Who was Behind the Common Core Math Standards?
Early Results from the Common Core Look Promising
Common Core's Focus on Concepts is Key to Improving Math Education
Humans Should Learn Maths
Why Math Matters
Don't Teach Math, Coach It
Research Reveals Key to Make Learning Easier
The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education
Math as a Civil Right
Learn Math without Fear
Know it All: 10 Secrets of Successful Learning
Being Too Hard on Yourself Creates a Dangerous Feedback Loop
How Teaching with Symmetry Improves Math Understanding
3 Questions to Drive Passion-Based Learning
Making Mathematics Teaching and Learning Meaningful
Seeing Struggling Math Learners as "Sense Makers" not "Mistake Makers"
Enquiry-Based Maths: Applying Types of Inquiry in Math Learning
Why is it important to let students work on a math task first without showing them how to solve it?
They still say "Girls Aren't Good at Math"
Before we can Address the STEM crisis, we must first solve the Confidence Gap
Kids Learn Math Easily when they Control Their Own Learning
Project Implicit
Making a Mistake can be Rewarding

MAT 223--Fall 2015
MAT 223 -- Spring 2016


(c) 2015, 2013, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2015 December 13th