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Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering Coding Tutorials and Examples R
I started teaching myself R a couple years ago, and then I used it for making graphs for a particular contract job I picked up for statistics. I started making a collection of graphs and how to make them after I spent a lot of time figuring out how to make a nice dotplot. Like everything, the code examples here are intended to be functional, not necessarily elegant. I'm still learning, so I'll add more as I go. For now, I'm trying to use minimal libraries, but as the graphs get more complex, and with more customization, then I'll probably supplement these intros with more advanced options. I started primarily with data in vector form, rather than in dataframes, because that was the kind of data I was working with. I'll expand my list to include other types of data formats as I go. I use R Studio at home. I have recently started working in Jupyter Notebook for my disseration work. I'll add more of that at some point.
Normal Distribution shaded between two values Scatterplots with Trendlines and Residual Graphs Time Series Plot & Autocorrelation/Partial Autocorrelation Functions Applied Statistics with R I/II (lots of material on statistics here. labs with examples in R linked below. see main page for data sets used.)
Introduction to
Regression #1
Tutorials from my Students: Brief Introduction to GEOmap and geomapdata Spatial Data Science Project Proposal
Incidentally, files are linked in pdf format, but docx formats are stored in the same folder. Just change the format at the end of the link address to download the Word file. |
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