

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here




Daemen University

Statistics II -- MATH 325


Course Description (from the College): An introduction to statistical regression models with emphasis on applications in
health sciences, marketing, finance, and political science. Students will explore commonly used regression
techniques, including: univariate and multi-variable linear models, logistic regression models, and ANOVA
models represented as general linear models. These methods will be illustrated using the computer
software R. Time permitting, advanced topics will include time-series models and statistical measures of
validity (sensitivity, specificity, and basic ROC analyses).
Prerequisite: MTH 324


Syllabus -- in Word format
Final Project Directions/Peer Review Form


Important Dates
Exam I Home/Class Data-- Tuesday, February 21st key/practice exam
Exam II Home/Class Data -- Thursday, April 6th key/practice exam
Final Exam Home/Class Data -- Thursday, May 9th at 5:15 p.m. key/final supplement practice

see the syllabus for a more detailed calendar
 note: the start date of the semester was pushed back a week with no change to the end date, so all dates on the syllabus and posted here are tentative and in flux.

Email List

can be gotten through Blackboard


Math Adjunct Office
My voicemail
My Daemen email:
Office hours: see syllabus
MyOpenMath: Course ID:  144726, Enrollment Key: mccall_324_fall_2022 (same from fall semester)



Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4 -- Data
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7 -- Data/Data
Homework #8
Homework #9 -- Data/Data


(data files are in .xlsx format)
Instructions for Completing & Submitting Labs

Lab #1 docx pdf
Lab #2 docx pdf
Lab #3 docx pdf Data
Lab #4 docx pdf
Lab #5 docx pdf Data
Lab #6 docx pdf Data/Data
Lab #7 docx pdf Data/Data/Data/Data
Lab #8 docx pdf
Lab #9 docx pdf
Lab #10 docx pdf

Tutorial Directions

Journal Directions

Lecture Notes

  1/26 N
1/31 N 2/2 N
2/7 N 2/9 N
2/14 N 2/16 N
  2/23 N
2/28 N 3/2 N
3/7 N 3/9 N
3/21 N 3/23 N
3/28 N 3/30 N
4/4 N  
  4/13 N
4/18 N 4/20 N
4/25 N 4/27 N
  5/4 N


R Tutorials:

Bar Graphs (base R)
Boxplot (base R)
Dotplots (base R)
Histogram (base R)
Normal Distribution shaded between two values (base R)
Normal Probability Plots (base R)
Scatterplots with Trendlines and Residual Graphs (base R)


MLE exercise -- key
Maximum Likelihood Functions (pdf) -- key
Which Test is This? (pdf)
Venn Diagrams and Set Notation (pdf)
Ven Diagrams and Probability (pdf)


Answer Keys

Quiz #1 -- key
Quiz #2 -- key/key
Quiz #3 -- key/key
Quiz #4 Data -- key
Quiz #5 Data -- key
Quiz #6 Data -- key
Quiz #7 -- key
Quiz #8 -- key
Quiz #9 -- key
Quiz #10 -- key
Quiz #11 -- key

R files used for keys posted in Blackboard


Tutorials on Advanced Stats and Machine Learning With R
Applied Statistics with R (textbook)
Intermediate Statistics with R (textbook)
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Jay. L. Devore, 8th ed. (textbook)
Introductory Statistics (textbook)
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists (textbook)
Online Statistics Book (textbook)
A Little Book of Time Series Analysis for R (textbook)
A Course in Time Series Analysis (textbook/notes)
Introduction to Probability for Data Science (textbook)
Friedman's ANOVA Test
How to Perform Friedman's Test in R
Kendall's Tau
Calculating Kendall's Rank Correlation in R
Introduction to Bootstrapping (Statistics by Jim)
Boostrapping in R
Tutorial on Permutation Tests in R
How to use Permuation Tests
Understanding AUC-ROC Curves
Some Packages for ROC Curves
Time Series Analysis in R
Getting Started with Multiple Imputation in R
Basic Statistics Using R
Learning Statistics with R
Statistics with R (Table of Contents)
Stats and R
Intro to Hypothesis Testing in R
R-Tutorial: An R Introduction to Statistics
Tidy Modeling with R
R Cheatsheets
Free Web Books for Learning (Statistics) with R
Easier ggplot with ggcharts
Adding Marginal Distributions to Regression plots with ggplot
Bayesian inference for logistic regression Part 1
4 explainable ML plots
Plotting high density regions
Logistic Regression for Classification
Easystats: Easily investigate model performance
12 ggplot extensions
Data Viz packages in R
Introduction to Statistical Learning (book)
GLM function
Metrics for uncertainty evaluation in regression
R Cheat Sheet: R for data science workflow
Introduction to Data Mining (course)
Topics in the Mathematics of Data Science (course)
Mathematics for Machine Learning
10 Machine Learning courses
Chart Suggestions Guide

R Project
R Studio
Using R with Anaconda




PDF Graph Paper
Bad Graphs (Convention Speeches)
Visualizing Data Badly: 8 Examples
Correlation is not Causation: orginal article / handout
Presidents by State
TI-Connect Software
How much people lie on surveys
On the Hazards of Significance Testing
Exploring Correlation and Regression
Central Limit Theorem: with Bunnies and Dragons
SOCR: Statistics Online Computational Resources
How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?
Free Online Math Courses
Free Courses from Coursera
Confidence Interval for Rho

Other Statistics courses



(c) 2013, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2022 May 8th