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State Community College Beginning Algebra I, Math 102
Course Description (from the College): This course is a remedial
preparatory course designed to improve the student’s algebra and problem
solving abilities. The course includes: the real number system; order of
operations; simplifying expressions; solving linear equations and
inequalities in one variable; applications and modeling; overview of
graphing; linear equations in two variables; and relations and functions.
These topics are taught using an approach that integrates algebraic,
graphic and numeric methods whenever possible. Not open to students with
credit for MATH 103 or above. A TI-83/84 graphing calculator is required.
This course is offered in both a traditional format and in a
computer-based format. Prerequisite: DEV 031 with a grade of “C” or
higher, or by placement Syllabus -- in Word format
Email List via Blackboard Grade Calculator -- javascript online grade calculator
Quiz #1 -- MML In-Class Exercises
Calculator Competencies Extra Homework Exercises
Homework #1 Links:
Fall Quarter 2009
(c) 2010, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all
rights reserved To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com Last updated: 2010 September 4 |