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Robert Morris University

Applied Calculus I, Math 2050


Course Description (from the University): This course introduces students to the basic ideas of calculus. Topics covered include functions and graphs; differentiation, integration, and optimization of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions of one independent variable; cost revenue and profit functions along with elasticity of demand and consumer surplus; and exponential growth and decay. The graphing calculator (TI83) is used throughout the course to discover and to gain insights into the fundamental concepts of calculus.  3 credits

A: partially online; in-class portion meets 6-8:50 p.m. on the following Thursdays: 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/23, 4/6, 4/20, plus the final exam date.

Section will be taught as a combination of online and in class meetings. There are regularly scheduled class meeting times as well as significant online interaction and assignments. Students must arrange for daily access to a computer and the Internet prior to the start of classes. Robert Morris labs are to be used only as a backup in special situations and may not be relied upon for extended periods of time. In addition to the Internet link, online classes have a large emphasis on email. All messages from the instructor and other information regarding online classes, including user ids, passwords, and login instructions will be sent to your Robert Morris University email account.
Visit www.rmuonline.org for more information (course info page).

Syllabus -- in Word format

Schedule of Topics -- in Word format
Complete Course Guide -- in Word format

Important Dates --
Exam #1 -- February 2nd study guide key
Exam #2 -- March 2nd study guide
Exam #3 -- April 6th study guide
Final Exam: April 27th 6-9 p.m.  Franklin 22

Homework Assignments Schedule -- in Word format

Email Lists

Section A -- see www.rmuonline.org

Grade Calculator -- javascript online grade calculator


Tutoring Schedule: (Franklin 14)

M 9-9
T 1-9
W 9-9
Th 1-9
F 11-5


Answer Keys


Power Point Lectures: (each lecture is based on material from Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach, 7th ed., Larson & Edwards, 2006, Houghton & Mifflin.  Most of the graphics are taken from the text.  The text of the lectures are my own.)



(c) 2005 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated 2006 February 21