

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here




Northern Virginia Community College

Precalculus, MTH 167


Course Description (from the College):

PPresents topics in power, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, trigonometry, and trigonometric applications, including Law of Sines and Cosines, and an introduction to conics. Credit will not be awarded for both MTH 167, and MTH 161/MTH 162 or equivalent. Lecture 5 hours. Total 5 hours per week


Syllabus -- in Word format
           see Canvas

Important Dates
Exam I -- Sunday, October 30th key
Exam II -- Sunday, Deember 11th key
    Precalc 1:
     Exam 1: practice exam/key/studyguide
     Exam 2: practice exam/key/studyguide
     Exam 3:practice exam/key/studyguide
     Final: practice exam/key/review/review key/studyguide
    Precalc 2:
      Exam 1:
      Exam 2:
      Exam 3:

links to old exams can be found at course links at the bottom of the page.

see the syllabus for a more detailed calendar

Email List

via Blackboard



Math Office: AA 352
NOVA Math office: 703-845-6220
My NOVA email: bmccall@nvcc.edu
Office Hours:  by appt.





Extra Practice Homework (optional)

Homework R
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7
Homework #8
Homework #9
Homework #10
Homework #11
Homework #12



Unit Circle Handout
Conic Sections -- key
Proofs with Trig Identities -- key
Solving Trig Equations -- key
Domain & Range of Trig Functions & Inverses -- key
Polar Coordinates -- key
Complex Numbers
Bearings Problems
Sequences Worksheet -- key
Trig Functions Activity -- key
Quadratic Regression
Rational Functions
Conic Sections
Exponential & Logarithmic Equations
Graphing Real Zeros
Long Division






Answer Keys



PDF Graph Paper
Free Online Math Courses
PhET Simulations
Complex Numbers
Ellipse Animation

Fall 2018
Full Pre-Calc Fall 2017
Pre-Calc I Spring 2019
Pre-Calc I Spring 2021
Pre-Calc I Fall 2021
Pre-Calc II Fall 2021


(c) 2017, 2015, 2013, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2017 August 27th