

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here




Anne Arundel Community College

Introductory Statistics I, MT 143


Course Description (from the College):

This four-credit course includes concepts and computer skills which are valuable in a variety of life and work applications, as well as in more advanced coursework. This course will include topics from descriptive and inferential statistics, such as graphing, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability frequency distributions, Central Limit Theorem, the normal distribution, sampling concepts, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression, correlation, utilization of a statistical software package, interpretation of computer output, and explaining and interpreting statistical analysis. Prerequisites: MT 013 or appropriate college equivalent and /or appropriate mathematics level code.


Syllabus -- in Word format


Important Dates
Exam I Part 1 -- Monday, March 2nd key/review/review key
Exam II Part I -- Friday, April 24th key/review/review key
Final Exam -- Friday, May 15th key/review/formula sheet

see the syllabus for a more detailed calendar

Email List

via Canvas



Math Office: TBA
My ECC voicemail:
My ECC email:
Office Hours: after class MF and by appointment

Minitab Labs 

Lab #1 -- Data
Lab #2 -- Data
Lab #3 -- Data
Lab #4 -- Data
Lab #5 -- Data
Lab #6 -- Data
Lab #7 -- Data




Course ID: 64988
Enrollment Key: mccall_143_spring20

Projects (graded)  

Mini Project
Final Project

Projects (supplemental)  
Excel Lab #1 -- Data
Excel Lab #2 -- Data
Excel Lab #3 -- Data
Excel Lab #4 -- Data
Excel Lab #5 -- Data
Excel Lab #6
Excel Lab #7 -- Data
Excel Lab #8
Excel Lab #9 -- Data
Excel Lab #10 -- Data
Excel Lab #11 -- Data
Excel Lab #12
Excel Lab #13
Excel Lab #14 -- Data
Data Visualization Project -- Data
Monte Carlo Modeling Project
Binomial Approximation Project
Hypothesis Test Project -- Data
Course Project


Supplemental Activities


Pie Charts & Stem-and-Leaf Plots by Hand
Calculating Standard Deviations by Hand
Samples Activity -- key
Permutations and Combinations Activity -- key
Probability Activity -- key
Expected Values Activity -- key
Problem Solving Activity -- key
Linear Regression Problems -- key
Confidence Intervals on Means -- key
Counting Sample Spaces with Trees -- key
Design Your Own Experiment
Empirical Rule -- key
Hypothesis Tests II -- key
Legal Analogy
Statistical Graphs  -- key
CLT Proportions Version 1/Version 2 -- key
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #1
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #2
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #3
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #4
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #5
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #6
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #7
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #8
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #9
Hypothesis Test Worksheet #10
Discrete Distributions of Two Dice -- key
Sampling Methods Activity

Simulations -- Excel(xlsx) -- Minitab(mpx)

Calculator Guides:

Statistical Graphs in the TI-83/84
TI 84 Entering Data
TI 84 Descriptive Statistics
Normal Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Hypothesis Testing (1 Sample)
Counting Formulas
Expected Values
Descriptive Statistics: Grouped Data
Confidence Intervals -- One Sample
Correlation and Linear Regression


Answer Keys

Quiz #1 -- key
Quiz #2 -- key
Quiz #3 -- key
Quiz #4 -- key
Quiz #5 -- key
Quiz #6 -- key
Quiz #7 -- key
Quiz #8 Data -- key
Quiz #9 -- key
Quiz #10 Data -- key
Quiz #11 Data -- key
Quiz #12 Data -- key
Quiz #13 -- key
Quiz #14 -- key


Notes & Video Links

Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
Statistical Reasoning
Probability and Statistics
Statistics 2
Statistical Reasoning II

In-class Examples

1/27 M 2/3 M E 2/10 M E
  3/6 E  
  3/23 M 3/30 M
4/6 M 4/20 M 4/27 M
5/4 M 5/11 M  

Discussion Questions:

  1.20* 1.22*
1.25* 1.27* 1.29*
  2.03* 2.05*
2.08* 2.10* 2.12*
  3.02* 3.04*
3.07* 3.09* 3.11*
3.21* 3.23* 3.25*
3.28* 3.30*  
  4.06* 4.08*
4.11* 4.13* 4.15*
4.18* 4.20* 4.22*
4.25* 4.27*  
5.02* 5.04*  
Module 1 Video Notes   Module 1 Discussion Questions
Module 2 Video Notes   Module 2 Discussion Questions
Module 3 Video Notes   Module 3 Discussion Questions
Module 4 Video Notes   Module 4 Discussion Questions
Module 5 Video Notes   Module 5 Discussion Questions
Module 6 Video Notes   Module 6 Discussion Questions
Module 7 Video Notes   Module 7 Discussion Questions
Module 8 Video Notes   Module 8 Discussion Questions




Sampling Distributions/Confidence Intervals

Central Limit Theorem: with Bunnies and Dragons (video)
Sampling Distributions of the Mean (video)
Sampling Distributions of Sample Proportions (video)
Confidence Interval for One Mean, Sigma Known (video)
Confidence Interval for Means, Sigma Unknown or Small Sample (video)
T-Distribution (video)
T-Distribution using Tables (video)
T-Distribution in Excel (video)
Confidence Interval for Means in Minitab (video)
Confidence Intervals for Proportions (video)
Estimating a Sample Size (video)
Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Means (independent) (video)
Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Means (dependent) (video)
Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Proportions (video)

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing Concepts (video)
Hypothesis Testing Basics (video)
Hypothesis Testing Errors (video)
What is a Rejection Region (video)
Hypothesis Testing with P-values (video)
Hypothesis Testing Steps (video)
One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests (video)
T-tests for One Mean (video)
One-sample T-Test in Minitab 19 Example (video)
One-sample Z-Test of Summarized Data in  Minitab 19
Conditions for One-Proportion Z-Test (video)
One Proportion Z-Test (video)
Difference of Two Proportions Z-Test (link)
Two-sample means t-test paired/dependent (video)
Two-sample difference of means t-test indepedent (video)
Equal vs. Unequal Variance in two-sample T-test (video)
Two Proportions Test in Minitab (video)
ANOVA Testing (video)
One-Way ANOVA in Minitab (video)
Chi-Squared Test of Independence (video)
Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test (video)
Chi-Squared Test in Minitab (video)


Basic Linear Regression (video)
Exponetial Regression Model with COVID-19 data (video)
Scatterplots & Correlation (video)
Scatterplots & Statistics (video)
Interpreting Scatterplots & Correlation (video)
Interpreting Scatterplots (video)
Linearity, Strength and Relationship (video)
Coefficient of Determination (video)
Simple Linear Regression (video)
Simple Linear Regression in Minitab 19 (video)
Multiple Regression in Excel (video)
Multiple Regression in Minitab (video)
Nonlinear Regression in Minitab (video)
Residual Analysis (video)
Residual Analysis in Excel (video)
Residual Analysis in Minitab (video)


PDF Graph Paper
Bad Graphs (Convention Speeches)
Visualizing Data Badly: 8 Examples
Correlation is not Causation: orginal article / handout
Presidents by State
How much people lie on surveys
On the Hazards of Significance Testing
Exploring Correlation and Regression
Central Limit Theorem: with Bunnies and Dragons
How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?
Free Online Math Courses
Medical Testing and Vitamin C
How to Tell if Correlation Implies Causation
Reliability and Validity
In wake of uproar over Facebook’s emotional manipulation study, bioethics scholars say new rules are 'moral imperative'
Combinations and Permutations Calculator
Four Assumptions of Multiple Regression that Researchers Should Always Test
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: A Significant Improvement
How the Nocebo Effect can Trick us into Actually Dying
Desmos Lessons for AP Statistics
Stem and Leaf Plot Generator
PhET Simulations

Other stats courses I've taught
R coding tutorials
Time Series Graphs in Minitab 19 (video)
Confidence Intervals from Raw Data in Minitab 19 (video)
Worked Example for Two Proportion Confidence Interval with Graphs in Minitab 19 (video)
COVID-19 and Exponential Growth (video) Excel sheet


(c) 2015, 2013, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email
Last updated: 2015 August 12th