

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here




Columbus State Community College

Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers, Stat 2470


Course Description (from the College): This course introduces probability theory; discrete and continuous random variables; probability distributions; expected value and variance; the normal distribution; point estimation; sampling distributions; one and two sample confidence intervals; one and two sample hypothesis testing; simple linear regression and correlation; chi-square goodness-of-fit- test; analysis of variance; and multiple linear regression. Applications to problems in science, engineering, computer science, and related areas are explored. STAT 2470 is intended primarily for students needing a calculus-based course in probability and statistics. Lecture: 3 hours – Lab: 2 hours Prerequisites: MATH 1152, MATH 1157 or MATH 1172; minimum grade of “C” 


Syllabus -- in Word format
Project Directions


Important Dates
Exam I -- Tuesday, September 23rd key/practice exam
Exam II -- Tuesday, October 14th  key/practice exam
Exam III--  Thursday, November 13thth  key/practice exam
Final Exam -- Tuesday, December 9th at 6 p.m. key/final supplement practice

see the syllabus for a more detailed calendar

Email List

can be gotten through Blackboard


Grade Calculator -- javascript online grade calculator


Math Adjunct Office # DH 448
My CSCC voicemail # 287-3848
My CSCC email: bmccall2@cscc.edu
Office hours: see syllabus


Homeworks/Suggested Exercises

Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7
Homework #8
Homework #9
Homework #10


Portfolio Problem Sets

Problem Set #1
Problem Set #2
Problem Set #3
Problem Set #4
Portfolio Directions


(data files are in .xlsx format)
Instructions for Completing & Submitting Labs

Lab #0 (orientation lab to Excel, optional)
Lab #1  Data
Lab #2 Data
Lab #3 Data
Lab #4 Data
Lab #5 Data
Lab #6
Lab #7
Lab #8 Data1 Data2
Lab #9
Lab #10 Data
Lab #11 Data Data
Lab #12
Lab #13 Data


Calculator Guides:

TI 84 Entering Data
TI 84 Box and Whisker Plots
TI 84 Frequency Histograms
TI 84 Descriptive Statistics
TI 84 Descriptive Statistics Grouped Data
TI 84 Discrete Probability Distribution
TI 84 Discrete Probability Distribution (With Graph)
TI 84 Binomial Experiments
TI 84 Poisson Probability
TI 84 Normal Distribution
TI 84 Determine x or z
TI 84 Confidence Intervals
TI 84 Hypothesis Testing
TI 84 Hypothesis Testing - two proportions
TI 84 Hypothesis Testing - Two Means Independent Samples
TI 84 Hypothesis Testing - Two Means Dependent Samples
TI 84 Contingency Tables
TI 84 Correlation - LinRegTTest
TI-84 Geometric Distribution
TI-84 Chi-Squared Distribution
TI-84 F-Distribution
TI-84 LinRegTInterval
MLE exercise -- key
Maximum Likelihood Functions (pdf) -- key


Answer Keys

Quiz #1 -- key
Quiz #2 -- key
Quiz #3 -- key
Quiz #4 -- key
Quiz #5 -- key
Quiz #6 -- key
Quiz #7 -- key
Quiz #8 -- key
Quiz #9 -- key
Quiz #10 -- key
Quiz #11 -- key
Quiz #12 -- key
Quiz #13 -- key
Quiz #14 -- key
Quiz #15 -- key
Quiz #16 -- key
Quiz #17 -- key
Quiz #18 -- key



PDF Graph Paper
Bad Graphs (Convention Speeches)
Visualizing Data Badly: 8 Examples
Correlation is not Causation: orginal article / handout
Presidents by State
TI-Connect Software
How much people lie on surveys
On the Hazards of Significance Testing
Exploring Correlation and Regression
Central Limit Theorem: with Bunnies and Dragons
SOCR: Statistics Online Computational Resources
How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?
Free Online Math Courses

Spring Semester 2014



(c) 2013, 2007, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2014 August 4