

previous -- view my teaching portfolio here

Instructions for downloading files



Northern Virginia Community College

Linear Algebra, Math 266


Course Description (from the College):  In this course, you will learn about systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, and eigenvalues.  You will also improve your quantitative reasoning and develop your deductive logic skills. Prerequisite: MAT 263 or equivalent.

*Files on this page are mostly in .docx format (though some are in .pdf). If you have difficulty downloading them, see instructions linked in the left margin.

Syllabus -- in Word format


Important Dates
Exam I -- Thursday, September 30th exam key/study guide key
Exam II -- Thursday, November 11th exam key/study guide key
Final Exam -- Thursday, December 9th exam key

more detailed schedule in the syllabus

Email List

via Canvas



Math Office: AA 352
NOVA Math office: 703-845-6220
My NOVA email: bmccall@nvcc.edu
Office Hours: R 9-10 p.m.


Answer Keys

Quiz #1 -- key
Quiz #2 -- key
Quiz #3 -- key
Quiz #4 -- key
Quiz #5 -- key
Quiz #6 -- key
Quiz #7 -- key
Quiz #8 -- key
Quiz #9 -- key
Quiz #10 -- key
Quiz #11 -- key
Quiz #12 -- key


Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7

Proof Set #1
Proof Set #2
Proof Set #3
Proof Set #4

IOLA Packets: Unit 1, 3D, Unit 2, Unit 3

IOLA Homework #1
IOLA Homework #2
IOLA Homework #3


Notes and Examples From Class

8/26 9/2
9/9 9/16
9/23 9/15
10/7 10/14
10/21 10/28



Regression Project, Part 1: Data Collection
Regression Project, Part 2: Analysis



Matrices Overview -- key
Matrix Operations on the TI-83/84
Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors -- key
Linear Transformations -- key
Inner Products -- key
Writing Proofs
Vector Spaces & Subspaces -- key
2x2 Matrix calculator (for finding eigenvalues, in .xlsx)
3x3 Matrix calculator (for finding characteristic polynomials in .xlsx)
Coordinate Systems -- key
Markov Chains -- key
Discrete Dynamical Systems -- key
Writing the Matrix of a Linear Transformation -- key
Homogeneous Solutions and Nullspaces -- key
Systems of Linear ODEs --key
Regression Equations
Similarity Transformations
Loop Currents



Summation Formula (by Mathematical Induction)



PDF Graph Paper
I Will Derive song
How to draw Greek
Free Online Math Courses
Matrix Multiplication Visualization

Fall 2018
Spring 2019
Fall 2020


(c) 2018, 2010, 2008, 2004 by Betsy McCall, all rights reserved
To contact the webmistress, email betsy@pewtergallery.com
Last updated: 2018 July 27th